Friday, March 22, 2013

Thanks 3rd Coast Corals!

I recently had a bout with Ich in my biocube and it cost me two fish, our Green warpaint Goby and our Royal Gamma. I was upset and started to research all I could on the internet on how to stop this plague on my nano reef.
I did water changes, started to add garlic extract to the food and prayed.

I learned that Ich is common ,but the #1 cause is stress ,the second is big changes in the temperature.

So I started to ask around to see what is an safe option for a reef tank with corals.
The #1 solution is to quarantine the sick fish and use copper based meds. That is a big no no when it comes to invertebrates such as shrimp,snails and corals,it will kill them.

So on a recent window shopping excursion with my kids ,we stopped at 3rd Coast Corals . Behind the Tinsletown 290 movie theater off of West Tidwell.

We walked in and I was amazed at the selection of exotic corals. What really blew me away were the quarantine tanks he had set up. Brain then explain to me his process, he holds all the new arrivals for 2 weeks before selling them.

Which is unique ,because most of these fish stores will only QT them for one to three days.

This is a big deal IMO.

Brian then asked me if I've heard of Kick Ich, a over the counter ICH fighter. He then filled up a bottle of Kich ich and just gave it to me. WOW... first time I've gotten anything free from a fish store. Let alone something that would cost me more than $5.

I then started the dosing for two weeks. Had to make sure we had all that crude out before I added another fish,and on top of that I wasn't going to buy fish any longer if the fish store didn't QT the stock before selling them on the floor.

So here we are 1 month later and I finally made a purchase that I'm happy with. First fish I purchased from Brain at 3rd Coast Corals.

                                                               Carpenter Fairy Wrasse

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