Friday, January 25, 2013

My Posse's getting big and my posse's getting bigger!

Two new additions to the Blu Reef..
                                                                    Diamond Goby

Good Reef Fish - Good Sand Sifter
Description:  The Diamond Goby is also called the Orange Spotted Diamond Goby, the Pretty Prawn goby, the Maiden goby, or the Orangespotted Sleeper Goby. It is one of the more popular gobies. It can be fed just about any marine food, but, if you have a large aquarium, it will get most of its nourishment from the organic matter in the sand bed. The Diamond Watchman will usually dig a burrow underneath a rock in your aquarium, in which it will sleep and hide when frightened.

Not only is it a very beautiful fish, but it is also quite beneficial for aquariums, since it will oxygenate the sand bed and stir up any waste. The name "Watchman" comes from their behavior in the wild, where they act as watchmen for the shrimp. The Diamond Goby is known to take an aquarium that has been ignored, filthy with detritus, and working non stop it starts passing the sand through its gills and makes the sand white again. It also seems to enjoy stacking sand in little mounds, which can be an interesting sight to behold. 

Warpaint Clown Goby

Warpaint Clown Gobies are similar to the common Green Clown Gobies but they have the beautiful red "warpaint" markings on the face and body. They have a semi-elongated body form, similar to clownfish, but with a more noticably rounded head. Body tapers down towards the tail, the tail flares out in a rounded ball or fan shape shape. The Dorsal fin is split into two sections. The base color is a translucent green, given a blue cast in the head area from a patch of blue color that seems to radiate out from the cheek.

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